Hi, my name is Mujo (moo-yo). I am a graphic/web designer, illustrator, photographer, videographer, and an awesome uncle and cat dad! To learn more about me, please scroll down and enjoy my journey.
I was born in the early 90s in Bosnia. Around that time, war broke out and in the process, my father lost his life fighting for our family and friends. My mother, who was now a single parent, carried me and held onto my two older brothers for the entirety of the war as we fled to Berlin, Germany. There we lived for five years before moving back to Bosnia in hopes of a new beginning. After a year of living in Bosnia we had the opportunity to come to the United States under an immigration program. With the opportunity opening up, we moved to the United States right away for a better opportunity, arriving in the year 2000.

Village I grew up in (Bosanska Krupa, BiH)

During the Bosnian war

Me in Berlin, Germany
Once we arrived in Iowa, we had to adjust really fast. My mother started working multiple jobs, and my two older brothers worked while they were starting high school and learning a new language. I was able to adapt really fast and learned English within my first year. I knew how much my family had overcome and the opportunity we were granted and couldn't let it go to waste. My mother always encouraged me to do what made me happy and for me, that was drawing. I was obsessed with drawing. I would sit for hours and just learn every technique about drawing I could.

Woodcarving to Press Print

Bike Poster Printed (Screen Printing)

City Sounds Piano Painting
As I was growing, my passion for drawing grew stronger every single day. By the time I was in high school and close to graduation I knew I needed to do something with art. At first, I got scared and played it safe by getting a degree in computer science. I was focused on job security and not my happiness. I decided to go back to school and to go for a graphic design major with a minor focus in web design. It was difficult to go back, knowing I was starting over but excited about the prospect of working in an art related field. My time at Grand View University went by quickly and I graduated in 2015 with a degree in graphic design.

Headshot for Work
Freelance Work

First Place AA Award for Animated Website
If you didn't get the chance to see my resume up top, you can check it out below!